
Formed in 2015, Urbiquity consists of Stefano Carnelli, Pablo Conejo and Mattias Malk. The trio met while studying at the Sociology department of Goldsmiths, University of London and formed Urbiquity as a result of conversations and reflections about various ways of doing urban research as well as how spatial education could be improved. The differing national, professional and educational backgrounds of the team merged in the creation of the platform and are the source for the diversity of opinion, form and function of the projects Urbiquity conducts.

Stefano Carnelli

Stefano was born in Milan and lived in Lisbon and Barcelona before moving to London in 2013. With a background in architecture and urban planning, he has come to believe that cities, to a good degree, eventually end up shaping themselves, no matter how much effort urban planners put in their “good design”, in a continuous transformation and re-confirmation process that deeply affects concepts like identity, belongingness and sense of community. 

Stefano’s desire to understand and document this phenomenon is the reason he first started using photography to implement his theoretical work, starting with landscape and architecture pictures of the city, to then focus on its inhabitants and their relation to the environment they live in.

Photography, he believes, is the most effective tool to capture the essence of the transformations we endure, deciphering the complexity of the world we live in.


Pablo Conejo

Pablo was born in Madrid and moved to London in 2004 to study Media and Photography. After working as a photographer and traveling around different countries, he decided to continue his formation by studying an MA in Urban Sociology at Goldsmiths College. 

The lens provided him with the right medium to explore what since an early age fascinated him: cities and urban life. Understanding cities as living organisms in constant transformation inspired Pablo to explore the way inhabitants produce space in a wide range of forms for the common objective of living.

He is interested in exploring the capabilities of city inhabitants to adapt and resist to contemporary globalized urban model with special focus on processes of urban regeneration, gentrification and tourism.  


Mattias Malk

Originally from Tallinn, Estonia, Mattias is inspired by mechanisms, both of the camera as well as the social and urban.His practice revolves deeply around drawing connections between various strata. Photography and the archive are tools he often uses to look into how intertwined social and historical narratives can be represented.

Mattias’ work draws heavily on identity and memory, concentrating on how reality is a construction rather than something to be taken granted. There are always three versions of a story: yours, mine and the truth.

Mattias’s work is attracted to obsolescence and erasure as well as the ways we socially recycle space and objects. He seeks out parallel histories of the minutiae that eventually have a specific and noticeable impact on the way we live our everyday lives.







The rest of the Urbiquity archive will be here soon.